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Humans can picture a sound scene given an imprecise natural language description. For example, it is easy to imagine an acoustic environment given a phrase like "the lion roar came from right behind me!". For a machine to have the same degree of comprehension, the machine must know what a lion is (semantic attribute), what the concept of "behind" is (spatial attribute) and how these pieces of linguistic information align with the semantic and spatial attributes of the sound (what a roar sounds like when its coming from behind).

State-of-the-art audio foundation models which learn to map between audio scenes and natural textual descriptions, are trained on non-spatial audio and text pairs, and hence lack spatial awareness. In contrast, sound event localization and detection models are limited to recognizing sounds from a fixed number of classes, and they localize the source to absolute position (e.g., 0.2m) rather than a position described using natural language (e.g., "next to me").

To address these gaps, we present ELSA a spatially aware-audio and text embedding model trained using multimodal contrastive learning. ELSA supports non-spatial audio, spatial audio, and open vocabulary text captions describing both the spatial and semantic components of sound.

To train ELSA: (a) we spatially augment the audio and captions of three open-source audio datasets totaling 4,738 hours of audio, and (b) we design an encoder to capture the semantics of non-spatial audio, and the semantics and spatial attributes of spatial audio using contrastive learning.

ELSA is competitive with state-of-the-art for both semantic retrieval and 3D source localization. In particular, ELSA achieves +2.8% mean audio-to-text and text-to-audio R@1 above the baseline, and outperforms by -11.6° mean-absolute-error in 3D source localization over the baseline.

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