AuthorsDominik Klein†‡**, Giovanni Palla†‡, Marius Lange†‡§, Michal Klein, Zoe Piran¶**, Manuel Gander†, Laetitia Meng-Papaxanthos††, Michael Sterr†, Aimée Bastidas-Ponce†, Marta Tarquis-Medina†, Heiko Lickert†‡, Mostafa Bakhti†, Mor Nitzan¶, Marco Cuturi, Fabian J. Theis†‡
Single-cell genomics technologies enable multimodal profiling of millions of cells across temporal and spatial dimensions. Experimental limitations prevent the measurement of all-encompassing cellular states in their native temporal dynamics or spatial tissue niche. Optimal transport theory has emerged as a powerful tool to overcome such constraints, enabling the recovery of the original cellular context. However, most algorithmic implementations currently available have not kept up the pace with increasing dataset complexity, so that current methods are unable to incorporate multimodal information or scale to single-cell atlases. Here, we introduce multi-omics single-cell optimal transport (moscot), a general and scalable framework for optimal transport applications in single-cell genomics, supporting multimodality across all applications. We demonstrate moscot's ability to efficiently reconstruct developmental trajectories of 1.7 million cells of mouse embryos across 20 time points and identify driver genes for first heart field formation. The moscot formulation can be used to transport cells across spatial dimensions as well: To demonstrate this, we enrich spatial transcriptomics datasets by mapping multimodal information from single-cell profiles in a mouse liver sample, and align multiple coronal sections of the mouse brain. We then present moscot.spatiotemporal, a new approach that leverages gene expression across spatial and temporal dimensions to uncover the spatiotemporal dynamics of mouse embryogenesis. Finally, we disentangle lineage relationships in a novel murine, time-resolved pancreas development dataset using paired measurements of gene expression and chromatin accessibility, finding evidence for a shared ancestry between delta and epsilon cells. Moscot is available as an easy-to-use, open-source python package with extensive documentation here.
Figure 1: moscot enables efficient multimodal optimal transport across single-cell applications. Sketch of a generic optimal transport (OT) pipeline in single-cell genomics (from left): experimental shifts (e.g., time points, spatial vs. dissociated) lead to disparate cell populations that must be mapped. Prior biological knowledge (e.g., proliferation rates, spatial arrangement) is often available and should be used to guide the mapping. The mapping problem mathematically compares probability distributions over sampled cellular states. OT provides a standardized way to solve the mapping problem and many of its variants. Solving the mapping problem creates various downstream analysis opportunities; moscot supports many of these.
† Helmholtz Munich
‡ Technical University of Munich (TUM)
§ ETH Zurich
¶ Hebrew University of Jerusalem
†† Google Research
** Work partially done while at Apple
Single-cell genomics has significantly advanced our understanding of cellular behavior, catalyzing innovations in treatments and precision medicine. However, single-cell sequencing technologies are inherently destructive and can only measure a limited array of data modalities simultaneously. This limitation underscores the need for new methods capable of realigning cells. Optimal transport (OT) has emerged as a potent solution, but traditional…
Optimal transport (OT) theory describes general principles to define and select, among many possible choices, the most efficient way to map a probability measure onto another. That theory has been mostly used to estimate, given a pair of source and target probability measures (μ,ν)(\mu,\nu)(μ,ν), a parameterized map TθT_\thetaTθ that can efficiently map μ\muμ onto ν\nuν. In many applications, such as predicting cell responses to treatments, the…