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Learning meaningful representations of complex objects that can be seen through multiple (k3k\geq 3) views or modalities is a core task in machine learning. Existing methods use losses originally intended for paired views, and extend them to kk views, either by instantiating 12k(k1)\tfrac12k(k-1) loss-pairs, or by using reduced embeddings, following a one vs. average-of-rest\textit{one vs. average-of-rest} strategy. We propose the multi-marginal matching gap (M3G), a loss that borrows tools from multi-marginal optimal transport (MM-OT) theory to simultaneously incorporate all kk views. Given a batch of nn points, each seen as a kk-tuple of views subsequently transformed into kk embeddings, our loss contrasts the cost of matching these nn ground-truth kk-tuples with the MM-OT polymatching cost, which seeks nn optimally arranged kk-tuples chosen within these n×kn\times k vectors. While the exponential complexity O(nkO(n^k) of the MM-OT problem may seem daunting, we show in experiments that a suitable generalization of the Sinkhorn algorithm for that problem can scale to, e.g., k=36k=3\sim 6 views using mini-batches of size 64 12864~\sim128. Our experiments demonstrate improved performance over multiview extensions of pairwise losses, for both self-supervised and multimodal tasks.

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